

lumia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On Monday Nokia unveiled the lumia 900 , its latest attempt to take on the iPhone and Android smartphones .
- 本周一诺基亚(Nokia)发布了Lumia900手机,以此抗衡苹果(Apple)的iPhone和Android手机大军。
- And since February , Nokia has moved as fast as possible to churn out new lumia smartphones that run Windows Phone .
- 另外从去年2月起,诺基亚已经开足马力生产尽可能多的Lumia系列WindowsPhone手机。
- Sales of its lumia line of phones have been growing , but not fast enough to offset massive drops in other products .
- 虽然它的非凡(Lumia)系列手机销量一直在增长,但增长速度不足以抵消其他产品的大幅下跌。
- The group yesterday agreed to launch a version of its flagship lumia smartphone that has been designed for the world \' s largest mobile market .
- 昨日,该集团同意推出旗舰版lumia智能手机的一个版本,该版本专为全球最大的移动市场设计。