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- And the relation ship between the differential shrin - kage and creep and the sectional characteristics as well as its effect on a composite beam are also investigated .
- 研究了收缩徐变微差与截面特征的关系及对迭合梁的作用。
- ( Conclusion ) There are significant haplotypes and lin - ( kage ) disequilibrium among the five SNPs in β - fibrinogen gene in Han population . Moreover , the haplotype CA , CA and CG could lower the incidence rate for cerebral infarction .
- 结论汉族人群β-纤维蛋白原基因5个SNP位点之间存在着有意义的单倍型和连锁不平衡关系,并且单倍型CA、CA以及CG可能降低脑梗死的发病率。
- A 3D casting technology CAD system about axis has been developed by making full use of powerful function of Pro / Engineer 2001 , and Pro / Toolkit that is the further developing software pac - kage of Pro / Engineer , as well as MFC which is the Visual C + + program \'s important software resource , taking full advantage of tools supplied by VC + + \'s developing environment .
- 利用Pro/Engineer2001强大的三维实体造型功能,采用Pro/Engineer自带的二次开发软件包Pro/Toolkit,以及Visualc++程序的一个重要软件资源MFC,充分利用VC++开发环境提供的先进技术的工具,实现了程序界面的可视化设计。
- The possibility of rapid construction by using shrinkage-compensated concrete in hydraulic engineering are investigated in light of test results of using shrin - kage compensated concrete in three dam construction practices . The third test is long block and full-face placement are used . The study results show that it is possible for rapid construction of dam to adopt the shrinkage compensated concrete in hydraulic engineering .
- 在三次水工补偿收缩混凝土筑坝试验的基础上,探讨了采用水工补偿收缩混凝土进行快速施工的可能性,第三次通仓长块快速施工,研究成果表明采用水工补偿收缩混凝土有可能快速筑坝。