look to基本解释
1. 指望,依靠
2. 照应
3. 照看
4. 注意
5. 照顾
6. 求助
7. 有赖于
8. 瞻念
9. 指靠
look to的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And policymakers look to rule-breaking entrepreneurs to create jobs .
- 政治家们则指望打破规章的创业家来制造就业。
- For both mr obama will look to his political team .
- 这两方面,他都得指望他的政治团队。
- Voters still look to national politicians to protect them from globalisation .
- 选民仍然指望国内政治家保护自己免受全球化的冲击。
- We look to job creators of all kinds .
- 我们依靠各种创造就业岗位的人。
- Europe must look to the east for solutions .
- 欧洲必须向东方寻找解决之道。
- But let 's take a closer look to determine if chandler is really such a perfect fit .
- 但是让我们近距离观察一下钱德勒,看看他是否真的如此适合尼克斯。
- With parts of the euro zone crushed by recession and mass unemployment many now look to mr hollande for relief .
- 由于欧元区某些国家受经济衰退和大规模的失业率的剧烈冲击,许多国家如今希望奥朗德能拿出救命稻草。
- They mess up their own currency and look to imf funds to sort out the mess .
- 他们搞砸了自己的货币,却期待着国际货币基金组织来清理残局。
- But what about how we look to the world ?
- 但是其他人是怎么看我们的呢?