

longingly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We looked longingly towards the hills .
- 我们不胜向往地朝群山望去。
- The little boy gazed longingly at the toy truck he wasn 't allowed to buy .
- 这小男孩很渴望地凝视著那个他不准买的玩具卡车。
- She thought longingly , now we can be together the right way .
- 她认为渴望,现在我们可以在一起的正确途径。
- They longingly look at the photos on the wall of deb 's normal life .
- 他们望着黛比贴在墙上的照片,渴望拥有像她一样的普遍人生活。
- She said softly , although her eyes stared at it longingly .
- 她轻轻地说,虽然她的眼睛在注视着憧憬。
- The yankees , who have looked longingly to their pitching staff for solid starting efforts all year , were similarly pleased .
- 对於整年一直期待先发能有好表现的洋基队来说,这是很值得高兴的。
- She almost looked longingly at the car .
- 她渴望在几乎看车。
- Nora looked longingly at the cakes in the shop window .
- 诺拉渴望地看着商店橱窗里的糕点。
- Suddenly the mandarin head appears between the pillows and he looks longingly at the girl .
- 突然官员的头出现在枕头之间,他渴望地看着女孩。
- So I just continued to stare at jake , longingly .
- 所以,我只是继续盯着杰克,渴望。