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- " Angels are so beautifully descriptive , " lipp said .
- 利普说,“天使是如此美丽的被描述着”。
- " Our next round of experiments will examine the response of the strains associated with seafood-related infections , " lipp said .
- “我们的下一轮实验将研究这类菌群与食用海鲜引发的传染病相关的反应,”lipp表示。
- Early in the film , gil tries to dodge an outing with the obnoxious paul and carol by citing lunch reservations at brasserie lipp , a restaurant where an old professor of his once saw james joyce eating " sauerkraut and frankfurters . "
- 影片的前段说到吉尔不想跟讨厌的保罗和卡罗尔去利普酒馆(brasserielipp)吃午饭,这家餐厅曾有位老教授说他看到过詹姆斯乔伊斯在吃“酸菜和香肠”。
- Swallow of jordan to launch with friends to costa rica to learn to surf , but they have only one week time , and their surfing teacher lipp was alcoholic , and all day trance .
- 咽不下这口气的乔丹就发动朋友们一起去哥斯达黎加学习冲浪,但是他们只有一周的时间,而且他们的冲浪老师利普是个酒鬼,整天精神恍惚.