英音  ['lɪŋkɪdʒɪz]    
美音 ['lɪŋkɪdʒɪz]    


n.连接( linkage的名词复数 );结合;联系;联动装置

linkages 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Enterprise and solutions architects will design the virtual configurations of application containers , and the linkages between them .
My approach uses long-term data for many countries and takes into account the historical linkages between depressions and stock-market crashes .
These non-verbal areas require little maturity or knowledge of human nature , but a quick ability to perceive patterns , logical rules and linkages .
Such linkages , along with britain 's strong trade ties , mean the economy 's fate depends on an orderly resolution of the euro-zone crisis .
Proper linkages can also " add a substantial trust aspect to the crowdsourcing initiative . "
Financial linkages are less important in cis countries and in the middle east and north africa , but a deeper euro-area recession will batter export industries there , too .
The position of mr murdoch 's son and assumed heir , james , as a senior figure at news corp , bskyb and news international points up inconvenient linkages .
Other advanced economies should also be preparing comprehensive contingency plans , not least because of the complexity of dealing with the failure of institutions with extensive cross-border linkages .
The only certainty is that linkages between such firms are growing almost as quickly as the social networks they run-especially among those looking for virtual means to cut holes through protected borders .
Whereas the greater resilience of the emerging world is a source of stability for the global economy , the monetary linkages between rich and poor economies complicate matters .