

[人名] 林德斯特伦

Lindstrom 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Lindstrom says that using games as ads greatly benefits companies in important ways : “ They allow marketers to circumvent the regulations on advertising junk food on television ”;
The technology for real-time multi-resolution terrain rendering is analyzed in details . A new simplification criterion is presented on the basis of Lindstrom ’ s criteria . The experimental results indicate that the new criterion is efficient and can solve the triangle redundancy when rendering the coplanarity incline . 4 .
These two methods are derived from Lindstrom algorithm . Lindstrom algorithm is a LOD generation algorithm of regular mesh , it can generate the required LOD models efficiently and dynamically . However , the execution efficiency of Lindstrom algorithm can be further increased , an improved algorithm is given in this dissertation .
Lindstrom says that in just five years , antibacterial soap sales in America should surpass $ 402 million in profits !
Lindstrom will drive their C4 competitively for the first time on the Arctic Lapland Rally , which starts on 28 January .
In it , Lindstrom reveals the many ploys companies use to seduce , soothe , tempt and scare us into buying their products .
Marketers are also devoting much more effort to marketing to men & or , as Mr Lindstrom puts it , getting men to shop like women .