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At a similar conference in south africa eight years ago , the american and israeli delegations walked out in protest against a draft resolution singling out israel for criticism and likening zionism to racism .
Mr obama is likening the republican party to a driver who , having crashed into a ditch , waits for someone else to pull the car out and then asks for the keys back .
Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course -- I don 't mean to turn you off .
He referred to a comment from hillary clinton likening him to the star wars character darth vader .
Mr erdogan , likening israel to a " spoiled child " , has meanwhile gone on the warpath .
Egyptian workers arriving from benghazi said the youths had formed popular committees to restore order , likening the situation to egyptian groups which filled the vacuum after its police force abandoned their posts after the uprising there .
He also launched a thinly veiled attack on roman abramovich 's failure to back him , likening the lack of stability at stamford bridge to the institutional crisis that has seen real madrid go three seasons without a trophy .
Last year it was hugo chavez of venezuela who achieved the greatest theatrics saying he could smell sulphur at the podium where mr bush had spoken hours before , thus likening him to satan .
Visiting georgia last month on a trip sponsored by its government , I met with several members of the radical non-parliamentary opposition , who protest against saakashvili in the street . They were vehement in denouncing their president , at times likening him to putin .
As many as a quarter of the staff at autonomy quit the uk software group soon after its acquisition by hp , former employees said , with one likening the us computer maker 's internal procedures to " being waterboarded " almost daily .