
likelier 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The likelier explanation is economic .
- 更可能的解释是经济。
- It is now gone , and is likelier to be cut further than to be brought back .
- 如今这都过去了,而且更有可能会被削减,再也不会恢复。
- Like other americans , they are likelier to be influenced by past voting habits-and how they think the economy is faring .
- 同其他美国人一样,他们的选票更有可能受制于过去的投票习惯以及当下的经济走向。
- Show them that inequality has bad results , and they are likelier to sit up and listen .
- 只有给他们展示出不平等导致的不良后果,他们才更有可能端坐着,洗耳恭听。
- Some advocates of leaving say the presence of western infidels in afghanistan is so provocative that it makes pakistan itself likelier to succumb to the jihadists .
- 一些赞成撤军的人士声称西方异教者在阿富汗的存在势力太具有挑衅意味而使巴基斯坦自己更有可能屈从与圣战分子。
- Nobody knows which is likelier , for the climate is a system of almost infinite complexity .
- 谁也说不清楚哪种变化发生的可能性大,因为气候几乎是一个无限复杂的系统。
- Easterners are likelier to choose a red pen , while westerner more often choose the green .
- 东方人更可能选一只红色的钢笔,而西方人经常选那只绿色的。
- Incremental progress is possible , but continued deadlock is likelier .
- 会议有可能会取得进展,但是更可能维持僵局。
- The longer he waits , the likelier the new contenders are to shrivel and fade from public awareness .
- 他等待得越久,新的竞争者就更可能萎缩和消失在公众的意识内。
- It is slower to metabolize and likelier to die before it has reproduced .
- 后者在再造之前的代谢更慢并更不易死。