lifeblood 命根
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- Diaspora networks speed the flow of information , the lifeblood of science and commerce .
- 海外同族网络加快了信息的流动,而这正是科学与贸易的命脉。
- Risk , the lifeblood of the entrepreneurial economy , is becoming something to be avoided .
- 个体创业经济曾经的生命线风险,现在却成了不得不规避的东西。
- Gold is to indians as gasoline is to americans : the lifeblood of traditional consumer culture .
- 黄金之于印度人,就像汽油对美国人那样重要:它是传统消费文化的生命线。
- On the other hand , jakarta is indonesia 's lifeblood , alone accounting for one-sixth of the vast country 's gdp .
- 然而,雅加达又是印尼的生命线,仅该地的生产总值就占到全国的1/6。
- Copper mining is the lifeblood of zambia 's economy , contributing nearly 75 % of exports and two-thirds of central government revenue .
- 铜业是赞比亚的生命线,它贡献该国出口总额的75%以及中央政府岁入的三分之二。
- Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity .
- 热情是创新的命根子。
- Then there is shanghai 's lack of experienced financial professionals the lifeblood of any financial hub .
- 此外,上海缺乏经验丰富的金融专业人士这是所有金融中心的命脉。
- But the main backstop , what he calls " the lifeblood of goldman sachs " , is liquidity .
- 但是他们最后的屏障是被他称为“高盛命根子”的流动性。
- But money is hardly the force it is in washington , where campaign contributions are a politician 's lifeblood
- 但资金在这里的作用比不上在华盛顿,在那儿,活动捐款是政界人士的命根子。
- Like the big banks , the commercial lifeblood of any economy , tepco is indispensable .
- 与任何经济体中商业活动的命脉大型银行一样,东电已变得不可或缺。