


liberalization 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These networks have supplanted unions as the main vehicles for articulating resistance to economic liberalization .
- 这些网络已取代工会成为对经济自由化发出强有力抵制声音的主要手段。
- Monday 's attack could also have political implications , coming after a period of tentative liberalization .
- 随着初步自由化时期的到来,周一的恐怖袭击可能也牵涉政治意义。
- Moreover , moscow has adapted its energy strategy with european customers amid growing diversification and liberalization efforts .
- 另外,莫斯科调整了能源战略以适应欧洲客户旨在增加经营多样化和自由化的努力。
- This then could be part of a larger alliance initiative to encourage further liberalization throughout asia .
- 这可能是一个更大的联盟计划的一部分,以鼓励整个亚洲更进一步的自由化。
- Further liberalization of interest rates is another possible target for the five-year plan , to reflect market forces .
- 利率的进一步自由化可能是十二五规划的另外一个目标,使其反映市场因素的力量。
- More importantly , as bond portfolios grow larger , interest-rate liberalization becomes more politically difficult .
- 更重要的是,随着债券投资组合变得日益庞大,利率自由化的政治阻力将进一步增加。
- He said such moves would require significant further liberalization of the yuan , which is now tightly controlled .
- 他认为,要成为储备货币或特别提款权构成货币,目前受到严格管制的人民币必须进一步大幅自由化。
- The rest is tfp after all , though liberalization seems a more likely explanation for it than asian culture .
- 剩下的还是要由tfp来解释,尽管与亚洲文化相比,自由化似乎是一种更为合理的解释。
- Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth .
- 贸易自由化是经济增长的发动机。
- Politics are partly to blame for stalling the liberalization drive .
- 政治形势是阻碍自由化进程的原因之一。