

n.学习者,初学者,见习驾驶员( learner的名词复数 )
learners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Learners should find learning strategies suitable for themselves .
- 学习者应该寻求适合自己的学习策略。
- Credo finds that students in poverty and english language learners fare better in charters .
- credo发现那些穷学生或者英语语言学生在特许学校的表现更好。
- Mit has given open access to educational resources for educators and learners all over the world .
- 麻省理工学院已经向全世界的教育工作者和学生提供开放的教育资源。
- The underlying trend in all of these learners is their ability to learn by making connections .
- 这些学生的成绩都要归功于他们通过关联知识而学习的能力。
- Graduates must be lifelong learners improving their skills to match the next generation of jobs .
- 毕业生必须终生学习来提高他们的技能来适应下一代的工作。
- She speaks too fast to be followed by the new learners .
- 她讲得太快,新学员听不懂。
- Grammatical information helps learners to decode .
- 语法知识能帮助初学者理解。
- The research done by rawson and pyc showed that practice tests lead learners to develop better keywords .
- rawson和pyc的研究表明,测试练习可以指导学习者去扩展更好的关键词。
- We gave milan a lesson in 2005 , but people like you are slow learners .
- 我们在2005年给米兰上了一课,但是你这种人却很难接受教训。
- I have a dream that all my textbooks will become a great help to those earnest english learners !
- 我有一个梦想,我所有的教材都能成为英语爱好者的好帮手!