

layabout 变化形式
复数: layabouts
layabout 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Today 's narcissistic layabout is tomorrow 's talent
- 今天自恋又游手好闲的人就是明天的人才
- He is a wretched idle layabout never done a day 's work in his life .
- 他是一个讨厌的懒汉一辈子没干过一天活。
- In fact , you aren 't a fixer or transformer , you 're a former banker who , after a period as a layabout , is now looking for a job .
- 事实上,你不是修理师,也不是变革者,你是一名前银行家,在做了一段时期的无业游民之后,正在寻找一份新工作。
- On the metro and on french buses seats are reserved for those wounded in the war and pregnant women . Should some gum-chewing layabout .
- 无论是在地铁还是在公共汽车上,有些座位标明是是专为留给在战争中受伤的人和孕妇坐的。
- Her is a good for nothing layabout .
- 她的男友是一个一无是处的懒汉.
- You 're a selfish , good for nothing , layabout slob !
- 你是个自私的、一无是处的、懒惰的笨蛋!
- Now , if you want to be just some background layabout , so be it .
- 现在,如果你仅想成为一些背景的泛泛之辈,那就这样吧。
- Her boyfriend is a good-for-nothing layabout .
- 她的男友是一个一无是处的懒汉。