

laptops 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For example , chromebooks boot up faster and claim to have a much longer battery life than traditional laptops .
- 例如Chrome笔记本的启动速度更快,其电池续航时间据称也长于传统笔记本。
- Intel 's ( intc ) ivy bridge chip , which powers higher-end laptops , is facing a delay .
- 同时,支持高端笔记本的英特尔(Intel)IvyBridge芯片又将推迟发布时间。
- Then again , the chrome os-running laptops haven 't exactly caught on with big business .
- 然而,搭载了Chrome操作系统的笔记本并没有赢得大企业的青睐。
- Replacing metal wiring with fiber optics could change everything from supercomputers to laptops .
- 用光纤来代替金属电导能够改变从超级计算机到手提电脑的一切事物。
- According to absolute 's web site , it recovers on average 14 laptops a day .
- 据绝对软件的网站显示,它平均每天追回14台手提电脑。
- Tales of stolen phones and laptops being successfully retrieved are the exception to the rule .
- 被偷的手机和便携式电脑被成功找回的神话是规则的例外。
- Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life .
- 小巧的电脑也趋向更长的电池持续时间。
- Cody kahl is creator and writer of toshiba laptops guide ?
- 科迪虫是作家创作和东芝膝上型电脑指导?
- Well it turns out that iphone users make less use of their laptops and desktop computers .
- 事实证明iphone用户更少再去使用他们的膝上型或桌上型电脑。
- Now , the laptops are helping them with basic language skills .
- 现在,笔记型计算机正协助他们学习基本语言技能。