Because it makes its home in an extreme environment , the desert hare is biologically designed to radiate excess heat through its lanky limbs and oversized ears .
Until this evening to see the lanky woman and a tour guide knows lone wanshou with his boyfriend , the only seat not to sit next to the driver !
Who really were lanky cheung and mountain dog ?
You sure are a lanky kid , aren 't you ?
Where 's the lass and lobster lanky lawrence lost ?
The lanky young politician striving for the senate and the short , puckish , pot-bellied 91-year-old
The lanky boy , with his dark brows , had shaken the dust from his feet and gone away to study .
On august 20th , battling for a place in the final , britain 's andy murray ( pictured ) pounced on a short ball from mardy fish , his opponent , moving inside the baseline to rifle an inside-out forehand past the lanky american .