


Kuwait 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Funds would flow in from kuwait and other arab investors .
- 资金会从科威特和其他阿拉伯的投资者那里流入。
- There are more women on corporate boards in kuwait than tokyo .
- 科威特公司董事会中的女性都比东京多。
- Bahrain 's gulf air and kuwait airways have been albatrosses .
- 巴林海湾航空和科威特航空公司已成为沉重的负担。
- Other gulf countries including kuwait and ultraconservative saudi arabia may follow .
- 其他海港国家包括科威特和极端保守的沙特阿拉伯可能效仿。
- The soldier was flown out of afghanistan to kuwait late wednesday .
- 这位美军士兵星期三晚间被飞机从阿富汗送到科威特。
- Kuwait and bahrain followed the saudis in recalling their envoys for consultations .
- 科威特和巴林和沙特一起找回了他们驻大马士革的使团。
- The staff sergeant is now being held in a military facility in kuwait .
- 这名陆军上士现被关押在科威特的一处军事设施中。
- Three are middle eastern ones the united arab emirates , kuwait and saudi arabia .
- 其中三个是中东国家阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特和沙特阿拉伯。
- Along with the saudis , qatar and kuwait have withdrawn their ambassadors to damascus .
- 与沙特一样,卡塔尔和科威特也分别召回了驻大马士革大使。
- Kuwait 's interior minister resigned from the government following revelations about torture in prisons .
- 科威特内政部部长在虐待囚徒一案被揭发后向政府辞职。