


kilometre 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Every cubic kilometre of the ring contains around 20 tiny particles of dust , making it so tenuous , it would be invisible from the inside .
- 这个光环每立方公里含有约20颗尘埃微粒,结构非常稀薄,站在光环内部都看不见它本身。
- The volcano sits atop an 800 metre-high underwater mountain which has a 3.5 kilometre diameter base .
- 这座火山座落在海底一座高800米、基圆直径为3.5千米的山上。
- They ran to the main road and on for a kilometre until ambulances could reach them .
- 接着他们就向大道跑去,到了以后再跑了一千米,直到碰到救护车。
- By the time scammel got to 10 fibres , he 'd be paying 97 per fibre , per kilometre .
- 当时斯科梅尔有十条光纤,他得每公里为每根光纤付97英镑的税。
- It manages 67 miles a gallon ( 24km a litre ) and emits only 101g of carbon dioxide for each kilometre driven .
- 他行驶67公里耗油一加仑(合24公里一升),每公里只排放101克的二氧化碳。
- Recently they have been advancing about a kilometre a day .
- 最近,反对派每天可以挺进一公里左右。
- With a partner , practice saying hundred , thousand and kilometre .
- 与同伴一起,练习说百,千和公里。
- What is most curious about these tracks is that the rock they are in is reckoned to have formed at least a kilometre below sea level .
- 原译文:更奇特的是,据估计,这些足迹所在的岩石是在海平面至少一千米以下形成的。
- Around the clock , 1.3 gigawatts of energy pour through every square kilometre of space around the earth .
- 每天,经过地球周围每一平方公里的能量有13亿瓦。
- There is an island a kilometre from our friend 's house , and we often sail to it .
- 离我朋友家一公里的地方有座小岛,我们常常划船去那里。