

v.(使)突出( jut的第三人称单数 );伸出;(从…)突出;高出

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A dock juts out to a small palm island surrounded by the jewel-blue waters of tahiti .
We drove to the end and spotted a picnic bench right on the part that juts into the water , with a great view of airplanes landing at national airport .
And according to satellite pictures published two years ago , on the far side of a peninsula that juts into the bay lie the cavernous entrances to a vast underground submarine base .
The hand of a man killed by the japan earthquake juts out of jumbled concrete sea barriers on march 14 in toyoma , japan .
This action smirch the true meaning of love . Maybe everyone has the different view about this , this is juts my view .
The qatari peninsula juts 160 km ( 100 miles ) into the persian gulf from saudi arabia .
Before long , a chorus of pilots was radioing the tower to report turtles either on the end of a runway that juts out into the water , or approaching on the grass .
It 's how a schized individual is promoted proportionately to production : nothing extra juts out-there is just enough polyvocality to ensure reproduction : minimum sperm flow , just at the right time , and nothing more .
Argentina 's northern province of misiones , named for the settlements established during spanish colonial times by the catholic church 's jesuit order , juts like a finger far into brazil and paraguay .
The balcony juts out over the garden .