英音  ['dʒʌglɪŋ]    
美音 ['dʒʌglɪŋ]    


v.欺骗,杂耍;歪曲( juggle的现在分词 );耍弄;有效地组织;尽力同时应付(两个或两个以上的重要工作或活动)

juggling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Is juggling a ball while wearing a red nose and seal flippers " sport " ?
If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggling .
Here 's a video of him dancing and juggling at 18 years old in a music video .
Then I read about a young man who decided to devote an hour a day learning about something just for fun - including banjo , juggling and astrophysics .
Quite simply , michael moschen has revolutionized juggling , refining it into an art and a bit of a science .
When researchers at the university of hamburg subjected 20 young adults to one month of intense training in juggling , they found an increase in the corresponding gray matter in the brain as early as seven days after the training began .
But his style of rule , with its acrobatic juggling of alliances with religious and tribal leaders , combined with nepotism and pleas for help from foreign powers spooked by yemen 's chronic instability , has put the country into an increasingly untenable limbo .
The authors reported that 15 minutes of daily juggling thinkstockpractice over the course of three months resulted in a significant increase in the brain 's gray matter ( the non-juggling control group showed no improvements in the brain ) .
One of dempsey 's first jobs was juggling for money .
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air . You name them : work , family , health , friends , spirit . And you 're keeping all these in the air .