
v.轻摇,抖动( jiggle的现在分词 );坐立不安
jiggling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In one notorious case , a record label demanded that youtube take down a home video of a toddler jiggling in the kitchen to a tune by prince , claiming it violated copyright law .
- 在一个著名案例中,youtube网络上的小孩子在厨房哼prince的歌的家庭录像视频被唱片公司指控触犯了版权法。
- For more than 50 years neuroscientists have debated the reasons for rem during sleep , proposing all kinds of ideas : the eyes roll around to lubricate the inside of the eyelids ; jiggling eyes warm the brain ; eyes twitch randomly in response to stimulation from the brain stem .
- 50多年来,神经科学家一直在争议快速眼动睡眠,并提出了各种看法:眼球的转动是为了润滑眼睑内侧,是为了使大脑兴奋;眼睛随意的抽搐是对来自脑干的刺激做出的反应。
- He stood jiggling his car keys in his hand .
- 他站在那儿手里转动着汽车钥匙。
- Jiggling the metal tabs , he finally releases one .
- 他摇晃着金属插销,好不容易才打开了一扇。
- Bras minimize jiggling and shape the appearance of a girl 's breasts .
- 胸罩减少少女胸部的抖动并构成胸部的外观。
- In their previous measurement in 2006 , the same team used one laser beam , and the achievable accuracy was dominated by this jiggling effect .
- 这个研究团队以前在2006年也测量反质子的质量时,采用的仅是一个激光束,所达到的精度主要取决于这个微动效应。