If even this drastic action is not enough to keep rates low , then these policy aims are in jeopardy .
The security and stability of each nation and all peoples our prosperity , our health , our safety are in jeopardy .
The great irony is that in turning the good of healthcare into a right , your life and liberty are put in jeopardy .
An additional 60 projects are threatened , and the institutes were busy tuesday e-mailing researchers to tell them their money was in jeopardy .
In the us , tens of billions in loan guarantees as well as the first wave of new plant licences since three mile island in 1979 are in jeopardy .
An international effort to denuclearise the korean peninsula was in jeopardy yesterday after it emerged that north korea had started reassembling its main nuclear reactor .
When infants begin to engage in rough-and-tumble play , laughter signals that the intentions are not serious , allowing children to test physical and social boundaries without serious jeopardy .
Expanding their balance sheet seems like a harmless enough activity , but what they are really doing is a gigantic power grab that puts the dollar and our economy in serious jeopardy .
The economic downturn , which has left parents feeling like their jobs and their financial future are in jeopardy , is also making them more eager than ever for their kids to be economically self sufficient .
It would be hard for the president to veto such a popular piece of legislation in the midst of an election campaign when his party 's continuing control of congress is in dire jeopardy .