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- Both Jenson and I know the way to the podium here so let \'s hope we can repeat that tomorrow .
- 简森和我都知道怎样做才能在这儿登上领奖台,就让我们期待我们明天能够做到吧。
- L think l heard them call him jenson .
- 我想我听见他们叫占森。
- As soon as we did , Fisi caught Jenson ( Button ) very quickly , and put some pressure on him .
- 就在我们解决这个问题后,费斯很快就追上了简森(巴顿),而且向他施加压力。
- Our car is working well around this circuit although both Jenson and Rubens experienced too much understeer on their final runs .
- 我们的车整场表现都不错,然而简森和鲁本斯表示,他们的车子在最后都出现了严重转向不足的问题。
- “ Shrek ” director Vicky Jenson added a twist to her animation-heavy career by making the short “ Family Tree ” in2003 .
- “怪物史莱克”的导演维姬简森通过拍摄2003年的短片“家庭树”使她沉重的动画事业得到扭转。
- In the episode “ The Untitled Stan Jenson Project ,” it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade .
- “未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。
- Then based on the analysis for interpersonal communication competence of Sarah Trenholm and Arthur Jenson , to research and analyze the organizational communication capability .
- 再以萨拉·特伦霍尔姆和阿瑟·詹森对于人际传播能力的解析为蓝本,对组织传播能力的构成进行研究和分析。
- It may have been Jenson Button \'s maiden win , but Honda \'s Hungarian Grand Prix triumph wasn \'t the Japanese team \'s first .
- 这也许是简森-巴顿的首次胜利,但本田在匈牙利大奖赛上的胜利并不是日本车队的第一次。
- Q. ( Ingo R ö rsch – Sportbild ) Rubens , in the first part of the season , Jenson was usually in front of you .
- 赛季第一阶段,大美通常都在你前面。
- Here was a man showing all he could in a recalcitrant car , outpacing his team-mate Jenson Button and would do anything for another season of racing .
- 这个男人驾驶着一辆跟车手对着干的别扭赛车展示着自己的能力,表现比他的队友大美好,也会为了下个赛季的比赛拼尽全力。