

teary 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She said in a teary voice .
- 她在含泪的声音说。
- When she had to leave we said our teary goodbyes .
- 当她不得不含泪离开我们说我们再见。
- The road ahead will never be teary .
- 前方的路不再有泪水。
- Thank you for coordinating a fun event , saving me from sad goodbyes and teary speeches .
- 谢谢你组织了这样一个欢乐的活动,为我们免去了道别者的哀伤和演说者的眼泪。
- But then he stopped himself , and just stares at my teary green eyes .
- 但随后他停在了我含泪的绿眼睛自己,只是盯着。
- She has lost 5 % of her body weight in a month , she is teary and emotional and she is not sleeping .
- 她一个月内体重减轻了5%,流泪,情绪化,失眠。
- She knows she can emotionally blackmail you by not talking to you or being teary eyed .
- 她知道自己会用不跟你说话或者泪眼汪汪来在感情上勒索你。
- To my parents , just thinking about you makes my eyes teary .
- 致我的父母:只要一想到你们,我就想哭。
- And will not let you to see my the most painful teary eyes .
- 不让你看到那最伤痛的泪眼。
- Wherever christopher appeared , his speeches met with standing ovations and many teary faces .
- 不论克里斯托弗出现在哪里,人们都起立喝彩,很多人甚至泪流满面。