

jacking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You 're jacking two cops .
- 你们在抢两个警察。
- We 're talking attempted car jacking .
- 你犯的可是偷车罪。
- To pay for all this , universities have been enrolling more students and jacking up their fees .
- 为了支付所有的费用,大学在近些年一直在扩招并且大幅度提高学费。
- Removable aircraft jacking pads with metric iso thread profile and tolerances .
- 带ISO米制螺纹牙形和公差的可拆卸的飞机千斤顶垫。
- Mary didn 't like her new job at all and was thinking of jacking it in .
- 玛丽一点也不喜欢她的新工作,所以正考虑着辞职不干了。
- The government is considering jacking up the gas tax again .
- 政府又在考虑提高汽油税呢。
- The cabal tried to counter this by jacking up food and oil prices .
- 犯罪团伙企图通过抬高食品及石油价格来进行反击。
- The gentlemen who stole it admitted to car jacking you .
- 那个人已经承认劫车行凶了。
- In municipal construction , the pipe jacking technology has more and more riveted peoples attention because of its advantages .
- 在市政建设中,顶管技术由于其优越性,越来越受到人们的重视。
- How long have you been jacking ?
- 你有多久了顶?