
n.旅程,行程( itinerary的名词复数 )
itineraries 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Travelers simply forward their purchase confirmation emails to tripit and tripit automatically creates master itineraries with travel plans and other critical information .
- 旅行者只需将自己的购买确认电子邮件转发给tripit,tripit将自动创建主要线路、旅行计划及其它重要信息。
- Sampling foreign foods is a highlight of many tourist itineraries but a particular group of rich indians take a different approach to eating overseas ; they bring along their own chefs .
- 尝外国美食可是许多旅游行程的亮点,但有一群印度富人到国外就餐时,却采用了与众不同的方式:带上自己的厨师。
- Only a last-minute search of itineraries of thousands of passengers known to be traveling toward the united states had turned up padilla 's name -- less than 48 hours before his flight to chicago .
- 直到在对成千上万个前往美国的乘客的旅行路线进行最后一刻检查时才找到了帕迪拉的名字这时他登上前往芝加哥的班机不到48小时。
- With the new tripit for iphone , travelers now have mobile access to all their tripit itineraries , which can include travel plans from more than 500 booking sites .
- 通过新的iphonetripit,现在旅行者可以用移动设备查看自己所有的tripit路线,可以包含来自500多个预订网站的旅行计划。
- Nash also said that elements such as instant messenger would be integrated in future releases of the technology , although the first version would include internet links and the ability to e-mail itineraries to travellers .
- nash还表示尽管第一个版本可能包括互联网链接和通过电子邮件发送旅客的行程等功能,但是其他要素,如即时通讯,也将包含在该技术的未来版本中。
- The rapid integration of mobile capabilities to plan itineraries , receive travel alerts and serve as a boarding pass is making these mobile devices more indispensible to business travelers and their companies .
- 移动功能快速整合到线路计划、旅游提醒接收以及作为登机牌的使用,令移动设备成为商务旅行者及其企业更加不可或缺的工具。
- According to phocuswright , the rapid integration of mobile capabilities to plan itineraries , receive travel alerts and serve as a boarding pass is making mobile devices more indispensible to business travelers and their companies .
- phocuswright指出,移动功能快速整合到线路计划、旅游提醒接收以及作为登机牌的使用,令移动设备成为商务旅行者及其企业更加不可或缺的工具。
- It is by far the best app I 've found for keeping track of all my travel itineraries .
- 这是迄今为止我在所有记录旅行线路的应用中认为是最好的软件。
- How do you promote peru itineraries at present ?
- 目前您在怎样推销秘鲁旅游的计划?
- The world 's most discerning travellers have always included corporate museums in their itineraries .
- 世上最聪明的旅行者总会将企业博物馆列入他们的旅程。