
v.重复( iterate的过去式和过去分词 );反复申明
iterated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The basic principles of iterated function system of the fractal theory were expounded .
- 阐述了分形理论中迭代函数系统(ifs)的基本原理。
- The girl did not move through the policeman iterated his command that she go .
- 警察重述他的命令叫她走,她还是没走。
- A law of the iterated logarithm for weighting u-statistics .
- 加权u-统计量的一个重对数律。
- Bashiok can you at least let us know if there is still hirelings and followers as announced or if it has been iterated to a different system ?
- 大你能不能至少告诉我们一下是否还有没有雇员或跟随者,把他公布出来,或是说你们已经做成了另一个不同的系统了。
- The type of the collection resulting from a for-yield expression is inferred from the type of the collection being iterated over .
- 由for-yield表达式产生的集合类型会从被遍历的集合类型中推断。
- Where the other guys focus on winning at the old game of fashion , churning an array of styles through their stores ever more rapidly , yanai is acting more like a tech executive , nurturing long development cycles in which clothes and advanced materials are carefully iterated .
- 在其他人关注老的时尚品牌,通过他们的店铺,比以往更迅速生产销售一系列风格不同的成衣,柳井正先生倒更像是一个技术执行官,注重培育开发周期长,服装和先进的面料被仔细地筛选方面。
- Part of the reason why the state of the economy is overwhelmingly determinative of who 's going to win a presidential election is that the american political system is an iterated competition between exactly two huge political organisations full of extremely competitive , trained and motivated operatives .
- 经济是谁将赢得总统职位的决定性因素,部分原因是因为美国的政治体系是拥有强大竞争力、经过训练的、积极的经理人的两大政治机构进行着一次又一次的选举竞争。
- The design of flight control system is an iterated and optimized process .
- 飞控系统的设计是一个反复迭代,不断优化的过程。
- We should , just as mr. peters had iterated , try our best to familiarize ourselves with exotic civilizations .
- 就让我们像彼得外长始终强调的那样,抱着努力的心态,试着去接受异域风情、异种文化。
- This should shorten the time between prediction and experimental validation , a virtuous circle that will be iterated until the model faithfully reproduces the data .
- 这应该能缩短预测和实验验证之间的时间,而这一个良性循环会反复进行指导模型能够忠实地再现数据。