

n.内部( interior的名词复数 );里面;内地;(国家的)内政

interiors 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Interiors

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High-speed trains are popular with business travelers for journeys under 500km thanks to their comfortable interiors and attendants trained to the same standards as hotel staff .
These economic problems were compounded by the mistake made by many owners in fitting out their interiors as lavishly as possible in an effort to win customers and influence critics .
Pretty much all of the presentations assumed that cars would be self-piloting within 20 years , and that their interiors would , to some extent , be transformed into extensions of living spaces .
Cells whose interiors grow the fastest then should , in competition with others , take the lion 's share of available lipids , eventually eliminating their competition .
Throughout the interiors , whites , off whites , and sand colors have been used .
With their blackened interiors the houses all look the same , but they were the homes of families , friends , relatives , a local shopkeeper , says osama .
The researchers sampled water flowing from the shower heads , then removed them , swabbed the interiors of the devices and separately sampled water flowing from the pipes without the shower heads .
Even now , the interiors of homes and workplaces are typically lit at only a tenth of the brightness of the outdoors on an overcast day , so there is plenty of room for improvement .
Mr pyne draws parallels between the exploration of space and two earlier great ages of discovery : the search to identify new islands and coastlines and the exploration of the unknown interiors of these new-found lands .
The team report in plasma processes and polymers that when the plume was directed into the infected interiors of teeth , it succeeded in clearing up well-established infections completely .