The theory and manner of instantaneous plasma diagnosis with hologrophic interferometry are expounded in detail . The refractive index of each component in air plasma is obtained .
Like the very large array , the smos instrument also forms a y-shape and through a process of interferometry the 69 small antenna receivers mimic a much larger antenna .
Any kind of interferometry involves combining two waves , resulting in a pattern of high and low amplitudes , or light and darkness .
These chemical sensors may be based on the principles of surface plasmon resonance , interferometry , spectriphotometry or fluorimetry .
Using interferometry to boost the resolving power of telescopes is an idea that dates back several decades-many of the world 's existing radio telescopes are integrated into such networks , including the lovell telescope ( which is part of britain 's merlin system ) .
Using an astronomical technique called electronic , real-time very long baseline interferometry , or e-vlbi , participating telescopes will observe the same object simultaneously .