


fancying 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Beware in your prayers , above everything else , of limiting god , not only by unbelief , but by fancying that you know what he can do .
I can 't help fancying there 's an extra cause for this .
Another setup with a group of 56 dog owners confirmed the benefits of receiving social support from pets -- or at least fancying receiving support .
Osman-who insisted on serving throughout the war without pay-used his high-level contacts in the fancying world to persuade leading breeders to donate birds to the british cause .
Lol let me guess you are probably at home now cooking dinner and fancying pretty girls n pretending to be dating because you think its not cool to be alone at home on saturday , you are such an insecure person man .
Charles darwin , by contrast , found a lead for his theory of natural selection in the whimsical hobby of pigeon fancying , where the birds showed an enormous variety of form and behaviour .
And I was not without secret wishes that I were on shore there , fancying the seeing the main land , and in an inhabited country , I might find some way or other to convey my self farther , and perhaps at last find some means of escape .
Life is not just to wait fancying , nor to self-inspect passively , nor just to seek help emotionally from divinities , the true value of life is determined by one 's action .
Many comrades do not see the importance of , or are not good at , summing up the experience of mass struggles , but fancying themselves clever , are fond of voicing their subjectivist ideas , and so their ideas become empty and impractical .
Pumas fancying climbing trees look like cats .