v.给…做预防注射( inoculate的过去式和过去分词 )
inoculated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You should be inoculated against infectious diseases .
- 你应该注射疫苗预防传染病。
- Have you been inoculated against hepatitis ?
- 你注射传染性肝炎的预防针了吗?
- All children are inoculated against pollio .
- 给所有儿童注射了小儿麻痹预防针。
- Newman and logie 's meta-analysis of existing literature identified several factors that could influence people 's willingness to be inoculated with an hiv vaccine .
- newman和logie对现存文献的元分析表明了人们是否愿意接种hiv病毒疫苗可能受到数个因素的影响。
- During the war allied troops were inoculated against diseases , because of fears that biological weapons might be used .
- 战争时期,因怕生物武器被使用,盟军部队都注射了疾病预防针。
- One in 50 of those inoculated will die . But washington 's gamble pays off . New cases of smallpox fall from several thousand to just a few dozen .
- 受接种的人,五十个中会有一个丧命于此,但华盛顿赌赢了,天花的新病例从几千人降到了几十人。
- The children are going to the hospital to be inoculated .
- 孩子们将去医院打预防针。
- A big question is whether germany , the european country most inoculated from right-wing extremism , may be next .
- 一个大问题是,德国这个受右翼极端主义影响最深的欧洲国家是否会步荷兰后尘。
- If he had been inoculated against smallpox , he would not have contracted the disease .
- 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。
- The antibody variation of laboratory mice inoculated with mouse hepatitis virus .
- 实验小鼠感染小鼠肝炎病毒后的抗体变化。