Sm is a sophisticated area of sexuality , and it is unlikely a child will ask about it unless he or she has some inkling that sm exists , and has some vague sense of what it entails .
The reason many physicists would prefer it to differ from what dr higgs and the others postulated is that this would give them an inkling of where the successor to the standard model , as that venerable theory is known , might be hiding .
Their first inkling came when they visited a woman 's home outside phoenix .
In fact , had mr greer not explained the underlying approach , this babbage would have had no inkling .
I didn 't know how to take those words at the time , but now I understand they represented marlene 's first inkling of love for him .
An inkling of their organisational ability was given this month with the release of charter 08 , a document signed by some 300 intellectuals calling for sweeping political reform .