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inharmony 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Many a man or woman has experienced misery and inharmony in marriage due to subconscious negatives that are traceable to the fraternal relationships in childhood .
The quanzhou village exsits system predicament in adapt to market economy development process , because there is the historic system inertial function , its working talent blindness causes with mistaking position which appears inharmony even conflict of village with farmer .
To observe the society by this view we can find that the inharmony of the capitalist society is caused by that it reverses the relation of labor and society , which lets the labor revolve around society but not lets the society revolve around labor .
At present , the main problems of ideological and political work in the colleges and universities include : ideology inharmony , value and culture judgment inharmony , the inharmony between the education supervisor and the accepter , colony inharmony and , the inharmony between resource and potency .