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inevitability 变化形式

复数: inevitabilities

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As cairo 's streets empty of protesters , the hope of genuine democracy will die , they warn , and the old inevitability will reassert itself .
No one can deny that the internationalisation of the renminbi has a certain sense of inevitability about it .
Some readers will balk at the leaps mr carroll takes to link american religiosity to islamic terrorism and the inevitability of nuclear war , but he explains why some americans support israel so fiercely .
The health-insurance industry accepted the inevitability of tighter regulation-in return for scooping up millions of healthy new customers compelled to buy insurance on pain of a fine .
Keynes foresaw the inevitability of such interference from the board clearly as he shaped those institutions at bretton woods in 1944 .
Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability ; it is human choices that move events . Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation ; god moves and chooses as he wills .
Although I believe I 'm put on this earth to be a good person , when faced with the inevitability of being put under the earth you gotta figure you want to invest your time in things that you like doing .
Mr rosen subscribes neither to the " great man " or the " historical inevitability " schools of history , and his account is wonderfully eclectic .
That a proof like perelman 's could be valid is not a surprise : it has a certain rightness and inevitability , long dreamed of by many people ( including me ) .
Some familiar themes reappear : the inevitability of bodily decay , and the ravages of age ; marathon sessions of life-affirming sex ; and the murky world of international high finance .