In their zeal to industrialize , they got rid of too many farms .
New technological revolution and new industrialize way in our country .
Relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply .
But critics complain that the rush to industrialize has so far all but trumped these efforts , particularly as a weak legal system and a general lack of transparency have made it all too easy for businesses and their official facilitators to skirt existing regulations .
In case conditions are not mature in china to industrialize the technology , it can be exported provided that the interests of the state and the relevant intellectual property rights are effectively protected .
That the bird 's nest stadium has fallen into disuse is hardly a relevant criterion for evaluating the impact of hosting the olympics for a city that has made it a point to tear down ancient structures in its rapid rush to industrialize .
In the past few years , because of industrialize prosperity result extensive oil drilling and transportation activitics increase the possibility of oil spills and the consequent threat of oil pollution to the regional environment .
Just as in that phase all forms of labor and society itself had to industrialize , today labor and society have to informationalize , become intelligent , become communicative , become affective .