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incentivize 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

In today 's global economy -- where ideas are just as likely to be discovered in san francisco as shanghai we need to do everything we can to incentivize and empower the brightest minds we have to solve climate change .
The question is , how can we design an optimal version considering the given conditions of our society to incentivize people to do good and to punish them when they are doing evil according to standards of that society and those of the global society .
These two sites also have similar concepts of a community front page ( based on the average interests of the average community member ) but they enhance your experience and incentivize increased participation by using your history of likes and dislikes to deliver the most high-quality and most relevant content to you .
Among many other factors , the " war on drugs " and the welfare state have added to a plethora of enticements that encourage - even incentivize - an influx of immigrants seeking a better life than can be had south of the border .
Reduce your supplier base to focus more attention on a long term relationship and incentivize early involvement .
减少供应商,更关注和他们的长期合作关系,促使他们早期参与产品开发。 : so you see this as the best way to incentivize good science writing ?
The president called on congress to end the $ 4 billion in subsidies to the oil industry so as to better incentivize companies to seek out clean-energy technologies .
In most fisheries , the fishermen would make more money by husbanding their resource , and it should be possible to incentivize them to do so .