in a manner是什么意思,in a manner的意思是
in a manner基本解释
1. 有几分,有点儿
2. 以这样的方式
3. 用一种方式
4. 在某种意义上
5. 在某种程度上
6. 多多少少
in a manner的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Present your business in a manner that 's short sweet and to the point .
- 用简短,动人,精确的方式来展现你的商业计划书。
- Another strength is the way he blends together economic financial and political analysis in a manner that far too few historians are equipped to do .
- 本书另一个优点是作者采取了从经济、财政与政治等多角度综合分析的方式,有能力做到这一点的历史学家屈指可数。
- He is now in a dilemma in a manner of speaking .
- 在某种意义上来说,他现在处于进退两难的境地。
- The rudder hinge moment and control force are treated in a manner similar to that employed for the elevator .
- 研究方向舵铰链力矩和操纵力的方法与研究升降舵所采用的方法相似。
- A princeton university scientist will present new evidence today demonstrating that sugar can be an addictive substance wielding its power over the brains of lab animals in a manner similar to many drugs of abuse .
- 普林斯顿大学的一位科学家,今日将说明糖能成为一种使人上瘾的物质,其在实验室动物脑部所发挥的影响力,与许多遭受滥用的药物类似。
- So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed ?
- 因此,为什么我们处理经济问题的方式如此目光短浅和开始就出错呢?
- The resolution authority is structured to manage the failure of a financial firm in a manner that protects taxpayers and the broader economy and promotes stability in the financial system .
- 解决方案授权的建立是为了以保护纳税人和金融体系中更广泛的经济利益和以促进稳定的方式管理金融机构的破产。
- They believe raw milk obtained from healthy pasture-fed animals strengthens the immune system in a manner similar to human breast milk and that it cures digestive tract conditions such as crohn 's disease .
- 他们相信来源于健康的和牧草喂养的动物的乳可以以一种近似于人乳的方式增强人们的免疫系统并能治疗消化道疾病如克罗恩氏病。
- Other tests have shown explosives can be hidden on the body in a manner unlikely to be detected by those monitoring images generated by the scanners .
- 另一些测试证明,通过特殊隐藏方式,爆炸品可以藏在身上而无法利用扫描仪生成的监测图像探测到。
- Bohm worked with pribram on the theory that the brain operates in a manner similar to a hologram in accordance with quantum mathematical principles and the characteristics of wave patterns .
- 博姆与普利布拉姆研究的理论认为大脑运作的方式与全息图的原理很相似其运作遵循量子数学原理,并与脑波模式的特征相对应。