英音  ['ɪləstreɪtɪd]    
美音 ['ɪləstreɪtɪd]    


v.给…加插图( illustrate的过去式和过去分词 );说明;表明;(用示例、图画等)说明

illustrated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Best of all , it 's super easy to learn the basics - this illustrated guide is a good place to start .
For many commentators , that event illustrated the shift in national perception of diana that has occurred in the decade since her death .
But however much effort moscow puts into the ukrainian elections , it is not likely to achieve its aims , as the orange revolution illustrated .
But the assumption of unlimited dutch and german creditworthiness is unconvincing as the market reaction to the dutch failure to agree a budget , last week , illustrated .
Oversubscribed schools choose pupils by lottery , something poignantly illustrated in the documentary film " waiting for superman " .
And the recent u.s. experience has also illustrated that financial safety nets and crisis management frameworks may need to be cast wider , to take into account the growing systemic importance of nonbank financial institutions .
It 's thirty-five pages long , with illustrated examples of twenty-one punctuation marks , including guillemets ( french quotation marks ; not to be confused with guillemots , which are auks ) , arranged in alphabetical order .
However , as brazil and turkey illustrated by their opposition to a fourth round of un sanctions against iran this year , the emerging powers are now less disposed to accept the reality of " big power " rule without a struggle .
In his book rich , free , and miserable , sociologist john brueggemann shared a great story that illustrated why . Climbing mount everest is one of the challenges that inspire people to do something big .
It is gripping in those places where that is appropriate : well judged , nicely written-by the standards of books you might otherwise pay for , not just by the standards of committee reports-and well illustrated with both photographs and diagrams .