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- That is , until the huskies wake up and start barking for breakfast .
- 这种寂静直到爱斯基摩犬醒来为早饭而吠叫才得以打破。
- Siberian huskies are undeniably handsome dogs .
- 哈士奇则是不可抵抗的帅狗狗。
- Meet santa 's reindeer , huskies and elves for holiday memories that will last a lifetime .
- 假日撞见圣诞老人的驯鹿,爱斯基摩犬和侏儒的记忆会一生难忘。
- A hundred yards away was a camp of the northwest police , with fifty dogs , huskies all , who joined the chase .
- 一百码外是西北警察局的一个营地,那里的五十只赫斯基狗也追了起来。
- Dolichocephalic , or more narrow-headed , breeds consisted of samoyeds , siberian huskies and alaskan malamutes .
- 长头型即头部更窄的狗,包括萨摩耶、西伯利亚哈士奇以及阿拉斯加雪橇犬。
- So while huskies may have smaller brains than wolves , they are smarter and more sophisticated because they can understand human communicative gestures , behaving similarly to human children .
- 所以,虽然哈士奇的大脑可能没有狼的大,但是它们更聪明更精明,因为它们能弄懂人类的手势,和人类的小孩的行为相似。
- Labour said it wanted to know how , in 2006 , when david cameron travelled to norway for his famous photo opportunity with huskies to promote his new-look party 's " green " policies , his senior colleagues were cosying up to us groups that were profoundly sceptical about global warming .
- 工党想知道,在2006年大卫卡梅伦前往挪威拍下那些和哈士奇犬在一起彰显他的党派的“绿色”政策的时候,他的左膀右臂却在和质疑全球变暖现实的美国团体眉来眼去。
- Rescuing the " nasty party " was mr cameron 's mission , and he pursued it with well-bred cheer , whether being pulled by huskies across an arctic glacier to show concern over climate change , talking of his devotion to the national health service or making the conservative case for gay marriage .
- 当他乘坐着爱斯基摩犬引领的雪橇横跨北极冰川,大秀对气候变化的关切时如此,当他投入地谈起起对国民医疗服务体系的热忱时如此,当他成功领导保守党接受同性恋婚姻时亦如此。
- Moments later , a pack of huskies trot by pulling a sled on wheels .
- 过了一会儿,屏幕上一群爱斯基摩犬拉着带轮子的雪橇一溜烟跑过。
- Race your team of huskies against the clock !
- 赛后你对时钟哈士奇团队!