

v.使谦恭( humble的过去式和过去分词 );轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气

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I 'm humbled by the understanding that they could get along without me , though !
I stand here today humbled by the task before us , grateful for the trust you have bestowed , mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors .
A humbled nation long ago abandoned such pharaonic gestures .
I stood there deeply humbled ; she remembered a story I told , but she did not remember my face , my name or my company name .
Humbled though he has been , mr bush remains the dominant figure both in domestic politics and abroad .
Her main european ally , nicolas sarkozy of france , was humbled in local elections on the same day .
Warren buffett shares our sense of optimism , and we are deeply humbled by his decision to give a significant portion of his resources to the foundation .
This was partly because on the day the reform was unveiled public attention was diverted by spain 's first match in the world cup ( despite being favourites , they were humbled by switzerland ) .
This week , against the background of another world financial crisis , a humbled gm offered to surrender up to 50 % of its stake in opel in a bid to persuade the german government to rescue its subsidiary from insolvency .
Nine months on , the shoe-throwing incident remains highly embarrassing to the prime minister , nouri al-maliki , who seems determined not to allow the iraqi journalist who humbled george bush to be feted with hero status .