
n.大声叫卖的小贩( huckster的名词复数 );大吹大擂的推销商
hucksters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It was then I finally realised I had been duped fallen for one of the most basic tricks social hucksters use !
- 那时候我才终于与意识到我被骗了掉进了推销商一个最基本的把戏里。
- When $ 1 trillion comes around there are hucksters all over the world who will do business with you .
- 当这一万亿的钱拿出来的时候,满世界都是要跟你做生意的商人。
- These inventors and wheedlers , dreamers and hucksters , were making the all-powerful software apps of their day : popular songs , sold then as widely distributed sheet music and phonograph records .
- 他们是一群投资者、大忽悠、梦想家和推销员,在制作那个年代的万能软件应用:流行歌曲,然后以散页乐谱和留声机唱片的形式进行大范围分销。
- One result of the relative lack of influence of professional salespeople and hucksters - the democratization of marketing , if you will - is that advertising on the web has not developed in the subtle and crafty and controlling ways it did in other mediums .
- 专业售货员和推销商相对缺乏感染力的恶果在于如果你愿意驱动市场的民主化在网上营销时不懂得采用其他媒介中微妙、狡猾和支配的方法。
- But it is also a good way for hucksters to fleece suckers .
- 但是它也是小商贩实行欺骗的一种好方法。
- Yet girth-management is big business , full of charismatic hucksters and fake science ( fat-burning lip balm ? )
- 然而,腰围管理仍然是一件大事,这里充满着有推销能力的商家和伪科学(燃烧脂肪的唇膏?)
- Content providers and cable operators may try to steer viewers to their own websites , like hucksters in a bazaar .
- 节目提供商及有线运营商都希望引领观众进入自己的网站,就好像集市里叫卖的小贩。
- The hucksters cried above the traffic sounds .
- 小贩的吆喝盖住了来往车辆的喧嚣。