
emoticons 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Emoticons
emoticons 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Add emoticons to your messages .
- 向您的消息中添加图释。
- Below are some examples of emoticons .
- 以下是一些图释的示例。
- Emoticons are a poor substitute for facial expressions , body language and intonation .
- 与面部表情、身体语言和抑扬顿挫的语调相比,表情符号代替的效果还是不行的。
- You can only send 5 different custom emoticons . Please delete 1or more custom emoticons from your message .
- 您最多只能发送5个不同的自定义图释,请将对话中多余的自定义图释删除。
- The following are some ways that you can insert emoticons , depending on which office program you are using .
- 根据正在使用的office程序,您可以使用下列方法来插入图释。
- We 'd maintained our relationship through semi-bilingual skype conversations and liberal exchanges of heart-shaped emoticons .
- 我们通过半双语的skype聊天和不拘的交换心型表情符保持联系。
- Speaking of emoticons , even when they themselves use them , most women feel men should not .
- 尽管女人会用表情符号,大部分女人还是认为男人不应该用。
- These little misinterpretations aside , recent adoptees like dr. bates and ms. heller said that emoticons not only signal intention in a medium where it 's notoriously hard to read tone , they also denote a special congenial relationship between sender and recipient .
- 除过这些小小的误解,贝茨博士和海伦夫人说那些符号不仅是一个表示一种难以启齿的情绪借代物,它们同样表示了发送者和接受者之间特殊的适意关系。
- And emoticons can only go so far .
- 情感只能走到此为止。
- I am your emoticons , you get emotion , you pick on me ; in leisure , you prefer animaticon .
- 我是你的情绪脸谱,情绪起伏,你就点击我;闲时,你就只爱图形动昼。