

hotheaded 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some say he was a hotheaded fool .
- 有人说他是个狂躁的傻瓜。
- Originally bought the hotheaded one , after never seen .
- 当初头脑发热买了一本,之后没看过。
- They could also make a hotheaded boyfriend johnny !
- 他们都想成为你热情的男朋友
- In truth , impersonally analyzing a problem and then calmly taking proper action when we hotheaded will make puzzles be readily solved .
- 其实,在我们冲动的时候,有意的让自己冷静一下,客观合理的分析一下问题然后在作出适当的应对措施可以让很多难题迎刃而解。
- In fact , hotheaded stock investors make better decisions , a study in the academy of management journal showed .
- 切实上,莽撞的股票投资者们能做出更好的定夺。
- Some people are really more ' hotheaded ' than others ; they get angry more easily and more intensely than the average person .
- 有些人确实比别人更“性急”;他们比一般人更容易动怒,程度更强烈。
- And robust scrutiny could give way to hotheaded revenge .
- 并且稳固的考查可以给鲁莽的报复让路。
- Those who know kim jong-eun call him hotheaded .
- 熟悉金正恩的人认为他性格鲁莽。
- She 's a bit hotheaded and rash .
- 她有点鲁莽、草率。
- Youth is hotheaded , torr , but these two are good boys !
- 年轻就是冲动,托尔,可是这两个都是好孩子!