" Keep still delinquent , " he hisses slapping steel clamps around my already reddened wrists .
The lion races over to him , places his paws on his chest and hisses , " shut up or we 'll both lose our jobs ! "
Not as loud as the applause for kobe bryant , but there were no discernible hisses or hoots .
No cheers , applause , boos , hisses - among other noisy distracting things - so we may all concentrate on what the candidates have to say .
In defense it hisses and vibrates its tail but rarely strikes . It may share a burrow with a gopher tortoise , for which it is often called gopher snake .
Remove annoying hisses and buzzes .
" The turks are butchers , " hisses another .
I know this sounds crazy , but every time this cat hisses at me .
He was greeted by boos and hisses .
She no longer communicates in the same way as most humans might , but only through strange hisses and shrieks .