herrin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Judith herrin , a professor at king 's college london , sets out to show that there are far better reasons to study and admire the civilisation that flourished for more than a millennium before the conquest of constantinople in 1453 , and whose legacy is still discernible all over south-east europe and the levant .
- 伦敦国王学院教授judithherrin的叙说表明,有更充分的理由研究并赞美这个在1453年君士坦丁堡征服之前就已经繁荣了一千多年的文明,不仅如此,其遗绪至今在东南欧和地中海东岸得以留存。
- For jessica herrin , that 's business as usual at stella & dot , where the onetime weddingchannel .
- 而在Stella&Dot公司,这已经成为一种常态。
- Ms herrin will certainly win over some sceptics .
- 相比某些怀疑论者,herrin女士无疑会胜出。
- Ms herrin also shows that there was a fluid and perpetually evolving relationship between the competing influences of classical greek learning , greek christianity and popular byzantine culture .
- herrin女士也指出,在古典希腊语学习,希腊基督教和大众拜占庭文化几种互有竞争的影响之间,存在一种永恒流动的进化关系。
- When it comes to demand for certain types of security professionals , those with sap security experience " are probably the hottest of the hot right now , " says herrin .
- 说到对某些类型的安全专家的需求,herrin表示,那些拥有sap安全经验的人现在可能要称得上奇货可居了。