The most unpleasant memory is of utter helplessness of having my every need attended to because I was incapable of doing anything for myself .
People who report seeing representations of passivity or helplessness in the blots are thought to have a dependent personality , meaning they rely on others to satisfy their needs .
And whatever huge figure is arrived at will be notional , because no one can afford to pay it , which can invite feelings of helplessness .
It watches the political paralysis in washington and the resulting economic uncertainty in complete helplessness .
You work in order to reduce feelings of guilt , anxiety , helplessness and depression .
A flu pandemic that can cause widespread death among the innocent may cause feelings of fear and helplessness .
If enough disabling things happen to you in your childhood , your pessimistic outlook might be a manifestation of learnt helplessness : even when things are okay , they seem doomed .