Their contempt for the tories as " myopic , ignorant little englanders " was matched only by their fear that david cameron 's party was hellbent on destroying the european union .
And iran 's holocaust-denying president seems hellbent on acquiring a nuclear weapon that would not just threaten israel 's existence but terrify his arab neighbours and provoke a nuclear arms race across the region .
A good idea , but both mr obama and the republicans are hellbent on fighting the next presidential election over the tax cuts ( with mr obama keen to let the cuts for the richest americans lapse ) .
A hardcore of around 200 seemed hellbent on looting while a similar number were caught up in the novelty of the events as they encouraged the disorder .
For the government , this confirmed that he was " hellbent on betraying the gallant armed forces of sri lanka " .
And now we have google , which is hellbent on competing because their whole franchise was built on the foundation of search for content .