
hedgehogs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The hedgehogs were sent home , the breakfast things were cleared away , and soon the four animals sat down to lunch together .
- 豪猪被送回家了,早餐的用品也被清理干净,不久这四只动物又坐在一起吃午饭了。
- When the door bell rang , one of the hedgehogs went to answer the door . He came back followed by the otter , who gave a shout of happiness when he saw the rat .
- 门铃响了,一只豪猪起身去开门,回来时后面跟着水獭,当他看见水鼠,高兴地叫了起来。
- Only for the cause of economy , the museum had be rent out in recent years and now is preparing a modern art exhibition . In front of its gate , the white pergola has cast full of wire netting , like hedgehogs in high spirits , it has become the first item on display .
- 只是由于经济的原因,纪念馆近年被出租了出去,现在正在筹备一场现代艺术展,门前的白色花架已经爬满铁丝网,刺猬一样抖擞着,装置成为了第一件展品。
- Scientists are not all hedgehogs , not even close .
- 科学家们并不都是刺猬,一点都不是。
- A pair of mating hedgehogs , as featured in the natural history museum 's sexual nature exhibition .
- 自然历史博物馆举办的“性的本质”展览上展出的一对正在交配的刺猬。
- Oxford university wildlife unit finds biodiversity action plans failing to halt steep decline in dormice , hedgehogs and wildcats
- 牛津大学野生动物保护机构发现生物多样性行动计划并未遏制住睡鼠,刺猬和野猫数量的锐减。
- Don 't tell me that we are the two grasshoppers tied to one cord , actually , we really look like two hedgehogs hugging for warmth , fighting for spikes .
- 别跟我说我们是两只被绑在同一跟线上的蚂蚱,而事实上,我们真的像两只期望温暖,为锋芒而争斗的刺猬。