

v.(使)愈合( heal的过去式和过去分词 );治愈;(使)结束;较容易忍受

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Japanese scientists healed spinal injuries in marmosets .
Buddha teaches that our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch with compassion .
Most people walk around with their hidden wounds , wondering if they can ever be healed .
Eventually she cut her hair and slipped on her bracelets and necklaces again , but she was not healed .
Also , how often have you seen a commercial of a teary-eyed actress talking about how such and such diet program healed her out-of-control eating ?
But while many expect conflict , most delegates in philadelphia want peace with britain . A military action would make a wound that would never be healed .
A good example of this are horn implants-they start as smaller implants , and are then taken out when healed and replaced with slightly larger ones .
Russia 's intervention in 1993 resulted in georgia 's defeat . But the wounds left by the wars never healed in part because they continued to be prodded by all sides .
His desperate father performed the castration on the bed of their mud-walled home , with no anaesthetic and only oil-soaked paper as a bandage . A goose quill was inserted in sun 's urethra to prevent it getting blocked as the wound healed .
" For durability reasons - in order to improve the service life of the construction - it is important to get these micro-cracks healed , " dr jonkers told bbc news .