Suddenly , the postilions exchange speech with animated gesticulation , and the horses are pulled up , almost on their haunches .
Usually those effects are just annoying , but some patients suffer muscle weakness as well , especially around the haunches , which can be debilitating .
For younger horses that are still not able to show collected walk the " turn on the haunches " is an exercise to prepare the horse for collection .
Along the bank there are various other people , but why they come or go , with the slowest of idle steps , or remain seated on their haunches embracing their knees , or keep on gazing at nothing in particular , no one can guess .
He remembered mistaking them briefly for wild dogs-he was still picking animals out of the manual he kept in his pocket at the time-but then he had recognized , even at a distance , the stooped haunches and the low-slung head with the mane curving back over the rift between the shoulder blades .
The ghostly stone head costumed with the traditional nemes headdress of the pharaohs rises 65 feet ( 20 meters ) above the ground . It rests atop the body and haunches of a lion whose limbs stretch out along 187 feet ( 57 meters ) near the entrance of the giza necropolis .