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易混淆的单词: Hamza

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Syrian children carry pictures of 13-year-old hamza al-khatib and hold candles during a protest in front of the united nations building in beirut .
Three of them were now dead ; the fourth , bin laden 's son hamza , was not on the premises .
Hamza bakour is a patient who I 'm sure will haunt my dreams for a long time-he 's a child who lost his lower jaw .
Earlier this year , when hamza kashgari , a saudi writer , was deemed a blasphemer by his country 's authorities for a poem , the internet was filled with hate speech against him .
All foreign media are barred from syria but experienced local journalists and human rights researchers found no reason to doubt the authenticity of the footage of hamza .
Hamza spoke of the recent demonstrations in tunisia by hard-line islamists against unveiled women and against theatre groups and actors .
A british judge suspended the extradition to america of abu hamza , a radical islamic cleric , in order to hear ( yet another ) last-minute appeal .
Hamza 's father was briefly detained late saturday afternoon , said his wife , after the secret police demanded he tell state media that hamza was killed by armed salafists , sunni muslim extremists , which the regime has claimed are driving the popular uprising .
A second source from the region , an activist , also spoke to al jazeera , confirming that hamza had been among 51 protesters detained on april 29 , he said , by airforce intelligence , which a number of detainees have reported as using brutal torture .
In britain , it emerged this week that the son of abu hamza , a jailed islamist preacher , had been doing maintenance on the london underground-before his employers found he had been convicted in yemen over a bomb plot .